A few months after the first beta, MiniSpec v1.0.0 is finally released.

Discover the new, lightweight test/spec execution engine for TypeScript and JavaScript. Light, simple, yet more than enough to test and validate your code!

npm install --save-dev minispec
// minispec_entrypoint.ts

import assert from 'assert'
import MiniSpec, { describe, it } from 'minispec'

function sayHello(): string {
  return 'Hello, world!'

describe('MiniSpec', async () => {
  it('says "Hello, world!"', async () => {
    assert.equal('Hello, world!', sayHello())

npx ts-node minispec_entrypoint.ts
  says "Hello, world!"

Finished in 9 milliseconds (discovering took 7 milliseconds, execution took 2 milliseconds)
1 test, no failure 👏

What next?

There are already a few ideas to improve some internals, APIs, and reporters. But right now the focus will be on the documentation, and examples.

You can follow and contribute to the project on gitlab . The documentation is in the wiki of the project.
