Discover the new, lightweight test/spec execution engine for TypeScript and JavaScript. Light, simple, yet more than enough to test and validate your code!

npm install --save-dev minispec
// minispec_entrypoint.ts

import assert from 'assert'
import MiniSpec, { describe, it } from 'minispec'

function sayHello(): string {
  return 'Hello, world!'

describe('MiniSpec', async () => {
  it('says "Hello, world!"', async () => {
    assert.equal('Hello, world!', sayHello())

npx ts-node minispec_entrypoint.ts
  says "Hello, world!"

Finished in 9 milliseconds (discovering took 7 milliseconds, execution took 2 milliseconds)
1 test, no failure 👏

MiniSpec is available on and the project is forged on gitlab . Feel free to contribute by submitting issues and merge requests!